Creating a function with boundparameters, I don't know what's wrong.

i don't know if brain messed but, can't work. whenever write:

read-text "test"


read-text -fore yellow "test"

it's printing following:

if ($fore)  {      [void]$psboundparameters.remove("fore")      [console]::foregroundcolor = $fore      read-host $psboundparameters      [console]::resetcolor()  }  else  {      read-host $psboundparameters  }

here's module, i'm importing, before running script:

#read-text    #you can give read-host command color instead of white function.    #example:  #read-text -fore yellow "type something"    #you can still save variable:  #$a = read-host -fore yellow "type something"  #write-host $a    function read-text   {      param($fore)      {          if ($fore)          {              [void]$psboundparameters.remove("fore")              [console]::foregroundcolor = $fore              read-host $psboundparameters              [console]::resetcolor()          }          else          {              read-host $psboundparameters          }      }  }

the following signature:

powershell programmer & advanced lua programmer

location: switzerland

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i published url's icons in signature.

please contact me, before reporting me, thank you.

[string](0..21|%{[char][int]([int]("{0:d}" -f 0x28)+('577076797174-87661607769657424-8687168065964').substring(($_*2),2))})-replace' '

this technic called splatting!
see here:

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bitte markiere hilfreiche beiträge von mir als “als hilfreich bewerten” und beiträge die deine frage ganz oder teilweise beantwortet haben als “als antwort markieren”.
powershell blog
[string](0..21|%{[char][int]([int]("{0:d}" -f 0x28)+('755964655967-86965747271757624-8796158066061').substring(($_*2),2))})-replace' '
german ? come german powershell forum!

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