powershell - outfile question...


i have line of code writes $computer variable text file , works me; however, i'd add $date + times variables along $computer each line in text file contains hostname along date , time. possible? in advance, doing head in

$computer | out-file c:\vncrestarted.txt -append

i of this.

i've adjusted code include doubled quoted texty bits...

will save copy and email myself ;)

# setup trap catch exceptions
trap [exception]
 write-error $("trapped: " + $_.exception.message);
# read computers text file
$computers = get-content c:\computers.txt;
$start = $true;
# setup service array service names want check running
$servicearray = 'uvnc_service';
# powershell knows it's array working simple
foreach($computer in $computers)
 write-host "checking $computer";
 $objwmiservice = get-wmiobject -class win32_service -computer $computer
 foreach($service in $objwmiservice)
  # check each service specicfied in $servicearray
  foreach($srv in $servicearray)
   if($service.name -eq $srv)
    write-host "$srv present on $computer.";
    if($service.state -eq "running")
     write-host "$srv running on $computer";
     write-host "$srv not running on $computer";
     # if $start true script attempt start service if stopped
     if($start -eq $true)
      # attempt start current service on current computer
                        $serviceinstance = (get-wmiobject -computer $computer win32_service -filter "name='$srv'");
      $name = $serviceinstance.name;
                        # create variable hold date , write variables text file
                        $now = get-date
                        echo $now $computer "the vnc service has now started." >> c:\vncrestarted.txt
                        write-host "attempting start $name on $computer..."
      $serviceinstance.startservice() | out-null;
                        # refresh object instance new data
      $serviceinstance = (get-wmiobject -computer $computer win32_service -filter "name='$srv'");
      $state = $serviceinstance.state;
      write-host "$name ""$state"" on  $computer.";  

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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