Application not access with spoolsv and printisolationhost having large amounts of threads, trying to use process dumps
every often, have application not allow new logins. have taken process dumps spoolsv, cpsvc , single printisolationhosts process, have high thread counts of 763, 214 , 715. normal thread counts 26, 60 , 5 or 6.
i teaching myself use windbg, process explorer , reading forum posts. assistance appreciated.
i have screen shots spoolsv, printisolationhost , cpsvc, analyze wait chain selections resource monitor, show waiting on spoolsv.
from reading several posts, have used windbg process dumps finding locks , threads "criticalsection" entries. using information have tried find if there locked file causing issue.
microsoft (r) windows debugger version 6.3.9600.17200 x86
copyright (c) microsoft corporation. rights reserved.
loading dump file [c:\spoolsv.dmp]
user mini dump file full memory: application data available
************* symbol path validation summary **************
response time (ms) location
ok c:\symbols
symbol search path is: c:\symbols
executable search path is:
windows 7 version 7601 (service pack 1) mp (8 procs) free x64
product: server, suite: enterprise terminalserver
machine name:
debug session time: fri jan 30 10:18:00.000 2015 (utc - 5:00)
system uptime: 49 days 2:14:23.457
process uptime: 3 days 18:21:30.000
loading unloaded module list
*** error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols kernelbase.dll -
ntdll!zwwaitforsingleobject+0xa: 00000000`77c9135a c3 ret
i used "!locks" , used "lockcount" enty trace threads, none had "criticalsection" entry
**** used ~* kn list threads, , used "find" search "criticalsection" , wrote down thread references.
0:000> ~739 kn
# child-sp retaddr call site
00 00000000`1c10f198 00000000`77c8e4e8 ntdll!zwwaitforsingleobject+0xa
01 00000000`1c10f1a0 00000000`77c8e3db ntdll!rtlpwaitoncriticalsection+0xe8
*** error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols localspl.dll -
02 00000000`1c10f250 000007fe`ea910cd9 ntdll!rtlentercriticalsection+0xd1
03 00000000`1c10f280 000007fe`ea8f058d localspl!spldriverevent+0x219
04 00000000`1c10f2d0 000007fe`ea8f089d localspl!splpowerevent+0x2373d
*** error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols win32spl.dll -
05 00000000`1c10f310 000007fe`e4f1ac61 localspl!spldeleteprinterwithjobs+0x179
06 00000000`1c10f360 000007fe`e4eed70d win32spl!initializeprintmonitor2+0x3d15
07 00000000`1c10f390 000007fe`e4eefa7b win32spl!providerentryw+0x5481
08 00000000`1c10f400 000007fe`e4f1177b win32spl!providerentryw+0x77ef
09 00000000`1c10f490 000007fe`e4f19a25 win32spl!providerentryw+0x294ef
0a 00000000`1c10f500 000007fe`e4f19b40 win32spl!initializeprintmonitor2+0x2ad9
0b 00000000`1c10f550 000007fe`e4f12cce win32spl!initializeprintmonitor2+0x2bf4
0c 00000000`1c10f5e0 000007fe`e4ec8e0d win32spl!providerentryw+0x2aa42
0d 00000000`1c10f690 000007fe`e4ec8d57 win32spl+0x8e0d
0e 00000000`1c10f6e0 000007fe`e4ec8a16 win32spl+0x8d57
0f 00000000`1c10f710 00000000`77c563e5 win32spl+0x8a16
10 00000000`1c10f740 00000000`77c60c26 ntdll!tpptimerpexecutecallback+0x105
*** error: symbol file not found. defaulted export symbols kernel32.dll -
11 00000000`1c10f7a0 00000000`77b359ed ntdll!tppworkerthread+0x5ff
12 00000000`1c10faa0 00000000`77c6c521 kernel32!basethreadinitthunk+0xd
13 00000000`1c10fad0 00000000`00000000 ntdll!rtluserthreadstart+0x1d
0:000> u ntdll!rtlentercriticalsection
00000000`77c92fc0 fff3 push rbx
00000000`77c92fc2 4883ec20 sub rsp,20h
00000000`77c92fc6 f00fba710800 lock btr dword ptr [rcx+8],0
00000000`77c92fcc 488bd9 mov rbx,rcx
00000000`77c92fcf 0f83e9b1ffff jae ntdll!rtlentercriticalsection+0x31 (00000000`77c8e1be)
00000000`77c92fd5 65488b042530000000 mov rax,qword ptr gs:[30h]
00000000`77c92fde 488b4848 mov rcx,qword ptr [rax+48h]
00000000`77c92fe2 c7430c01000000 mov dword ptr [rbx+0ch],1
0:000> u ntdll!rtlpwaitoncriticalsection
00000000`77c8e400 48895c2420 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rbx
00000000`77c8e405 55 push rbp
00000000`77c8e406 56 push rsi
00000000`77c8e407 57 push rdi
00000000`77c8e408 4156 push r14
00000000`77c8e40a 4157 push r15
00000000`77c8e40c 4881ec80000000 sub rsp,80h
00000000`77c8e413 488d0576900e00 lea rax,[ntdll!ldrploaderlock (00000000`77d77490)]
0:000> !cs 77d77490
critical section = 0x0000000077d77490 (ntdll!ldrploaderlock+0x0)
debuginfo = 0x0000000077d77100
not locked
locksemaphore = 0x3c4
spincount = 0x0000000000000000
Windows Server > Server Manager
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