Invoking script file from a custom cmdlet?

i writing custom cmdlet. in processrecord() method of cmdlet, want to execute an external script file. how achieve that?

and also, script file expects have parameters passed (it declaring params() tag @ top). how pass parameters, known @ runtime, script file when execute it?

any pointer appreciated.

what asking easy.  let's have script called script1.ps1 in current directory.  the contents this:


"these args:" $args


now have function takes argument, , calls script args of own in process block:


function doit {   param(     [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0)]     [string]$param   )   process {     & .\script1.ps1 $param, "blah"   } }  doit "done"


now, that's easy - technique find more useful general way create large sets of custom code.  this may not want now, it's know can it:

function doit {   param(     [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0)]     [string]$param   )   $scriptsegments = @()   $scriptsegments += {     $var1 = "blah"     $var1   }   $scriptsegments += $executioncontext.invokecommand.newscriptblock("get-childitem '$param'")      $finalscript = ""   $scriptsegments |foreach {       $finalscript += $_.tostring() + "`n"   }   $finalscript = $executioncontext.invokecommand.newscriptblock($finalscript)   & $finalscript } doit $pwd

i blogged in crazy stream of conscious article last winter.  you can check out here if want see rabbit hole went down learn way make dynamic code in powershell:

write-host ((0..56)|%{if (($_+1)%3 -eq 0){[char][int]("116111101110117102102064103109097105108046099111109"[($_-2)..$_] -join "")}}) -separator ""

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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