DSC Pull Server WMF 5 - node cant pull configuration or dscresource


i have think working pull server on ms server 2012r2 wmf 5 installed. node  is running ms server 2012r2 wmf 5.
can access pull server's site (xml) without issues on both pull server (vm01) , node (vm08) want pull configurations.

setup based on the https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullserver :

pull server:

$configurationdata = @{     allnodes = @(          @{              nodename="*"              psdscallowplaintextpassword=$true              psdscallowdomainuser = $true           }          @{              nodename='localhost'           }      )  }        #https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullserver  configuration deploydscpullserver  {       param        (               [string[]]$nodename = 'present',               [validatenotnullorempty()] [string] $certificatethumbprint,              [parameter(mandatory)] [validatenotnullorempty()] [string] $registrationkey        )          import-dscresource -modulename xpsdesiredstateconfiguration        import-dscresource –modulename psdesiredstateconfiguration             node $allnodes.nodename        {            windowsfeature dscservicefeature            {                ensure = 'present'               name   = 'dsc-service'                        }              windowsfeature iismgmtconsole           {                ensure = 'present'               name   = 'web-mgmt-console'                        }              xdscwebservice psdscpullserver            {                ensure                  = 'present'                endpointname            = 'psdscpullserver'                port                    = 8080                physicalpath            = "$env:systemdrive\inetpub\psdscpullserver"                certificatethumbprint   = $certificatethumbprint                         modulepath              = "$env:programfiles\windowspowershell\dscservice\modules"                configurationpath       = "$env:programfiles\windowspowershell\dscservice\configuration"                state                   = 'started'               dependson               = '[windowsfeature]dscservicefeature'                                    }             file registrationkeyfile          {              ensure          = 'present'              type            = 'file'              destinationpath = "$env:programfiles\windowspowershell\dscservice\registrationkeys.txt"              contents        = $registrationkey          }      }  }          #run configuration  $mofconfigfile = deploydscpullserver -configurationdata $configurationdata -certificatethumbprint $thumbprint -registrationkey $regkey -outputpath c:\configs\pullserver     # creates mof at:  $mofconfigdirectory = $mofconfigfile.directoryname  ii $mofconfigdirectory    #we need create checksum mof path nodes can verify file sizes using on pull server.  $mofchecksum = new-dscchecksum -path $mofconfigdirectory    #run mof  start-dscconfiguration -path $mofconfigdirectory -wait -verbose -force   


i made simple first file configuration testing purpose. runs fine on node (vm08) when running locally. not able make node pull pull server. testing purpose, i'm not using certificate encryption.

$configurationdata = @{      allnodes = @(          @{              nodename="*"              psdscallowplaintextpassword=$true              psdscallowdomainuser = $true           }          @{              nodename="vm08"              #certificatefile = 'c:\keys\sqlnode.cer'              #thumbprint = '42235a417be23adde72f1593bde665106262cf7c'           }      )  }      configuration copytest  {  import-dscresource –modulename psdesiredstateconfiguration            node $allnodes.nodename           {               file test          {              destinationpath = 'c:\here\ok.ps1'              ensure = 'present'              recurse = $true              sourcepath = 'c:\ok.ps1'              type =  'file'          }      }    }    copytest -configurationdata $configurationdata -outputpath c:\configs\targetnodes    remove-item 'c:\program files\windowspowershell\dscservice\configuration\*'    copy 'c:\configs\targetnodes\vm08.mof' 'c:\program files\windowspowershell\dscservice\configuration'    new-dscchecksum -path "c:\program files\windowspowershell\dscservice\configuration\"    #test pull using https://gist.github.com/jamesdawson/6787277 - invoke-pullonnode.ps1   cd '\\share\testing'  .\invoke-pullonnode.ps1 -computername 'vm08'  cd c:\windows\system32   

lcm on node (vm08)

actionafterreboot              : continueconfiguration  agentid                        : a3e37e75-48e0-11e6-80d9-005056837311  allowmoduleoverwrite           : false  certificateid                  : 42235a417be23adde72f1593bde665106262cf7c  configurationdownloadmanagers  : {[configurationrepositoryweb]pullsrv}  configurationid                :   configurationmode              : applyandautocorrect  configurationmodefrequencymins : 15  credential                     :   debugmode                      : {none}  downloadmanagercustomdata      :   downloadmanagername            :   lcmcompatibleversions          : {1.0, 2.0}  lcmstate                       : idle  lcmstatedetail                 :   lcmversion                     : 2.0  statusretentiontimeindays      : 10  partialconfigurations          :   rebootnodeifneeded             : true  refreshfrequencymins           : 30  refreshmode                    : pull  reportmanagers                 : {[reportserverweb]pullsrv}  resourcemodulemanagers         : {[resourcerepositoryweb]pullsrv}  pscomputername    

when try get-dscconfiguration on node (vm08) get:

ps c:\windows\system32> get-dscconfiguration  get-dscconfiguration : current configuration not exist. execute start-dscconfiguration command -path parameter specify configuration file , create current configuration   first.  @ line:1 char:1  + get-dscconfiguration  + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (msft_dsclocalconfigurationmanager:root/microsoft/...gurationmanager) [get-dscconfiguration], cimexception      + fullyqualifiederrorid : mi result 1,get-dscconfiguration

any tips welcome!



figured out doing wrong. when compiling file configuration, mof file named after node (wm08.mof).

i changed mof name configuration name(copytest.mof), created new dscchecksum , put these files in dsc configuration path on pull server. voila. works perfectly.

its cool how can make single mof , apply multiple nodes:p


bjørn roalkvam

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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