Appending to pre-existing csv via Export-csv switch
how append csv file exists without overwriting initial data? essentially, want write powershell code to append data an existing csv file or a building a new csv file without overwriting existing data when error encountered. code below continues overwrite itself.
$credentials = get-credential domain\user_id
$servers = get-content .\servers.txt
foreach ($serveroccurrence in $servers)
get-wmiobject -class win32_service -computername $serveroccurrence -credential $credentials -erroraction stop|where-object {$ -like "sym*"}|select-object -property __server, name, startmode, startname, state, pathname | export-csv drft11-28-2012-v.csv -notypeinformation
write-host "couldn't contact server " $serveroccurrence -foregroundcolor green
however, if run get-wmiobject command itself, seems works fine. let me know thoughts
get-wmiobject -class win32_service -computername (get-content .\servers.txt) -credential domain\user_id -erroraction stop|where-object {$ -like "sym*"}|select-object -property __server, name, startmode, startname, state, pathname | export-csv drft11-28-2012-v.csv -notypeinformation
i downloaded powershell 3.0 , worked '-append' switch!!!
also, thank tip on writing object array well.
thank much. input appreciated.
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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