Run Powershell as Daemon

hi guys!

today i'm going mad!

is possible run powershell script daemon?

i have confused ideas it's better if tell what's in mind:

i need create message (something keep attention) if open files particular extensions folder fileserver.

i think: maybe powershell can read directly fileserver kind of files open , open files!

but can't run script 1 time only, need to keep script running.

ok, maybe scheduling can resolve last thing please tell me if underlined things possible please!


hi a,

i find function can open files , user on file server:

function get-openfiles{  param(  $computername=@($env:computername),  $verbose=$false)  $collection = @()  foreach ($computer in $computername){  $netfile = [adsi]"winnt://$computer/lanmanserver"  $netfile.invoke("resources") | foreach {  try{  $collection += new-object psobject -property @{  id = $_.gettype().invokemember("name", ‘getproperty’, $null, $_, $null)  itempath = $_.gettype().invokemember("path", ‘getproperty’, $null, $_, $null)  username = $_.gettype().invokemember("user", ‘getproperty’, $null, $_, $null)  lockcount = $_.gettype().invokemember("lockcount", ‘getproperty’, $null, $_, $null)  server = $computer  }  }  catch{  if ($verbose){write-warning $error[0]}  }  }  }  return $collection  } 

refer to:

viewing open files on file server powershell.

and if want send message remote server, can try cmd "msg /server:servernamehere * /v msggoeshere".

if there else regarding issue, please feel free post back.

best regards,

anna wang

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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