Remote Desktop Connection stop working after several days on Windows Server 2003

i have problem on windows server 2003 sp2. after several days, not possible connect server on rdp client os and rdp version. when i restart server works fine 3-5 days. connecting server telnet on port 3389 possible. there no events in systen , application log.

someone can me problem?

best regards


hi marcel,


please check following steps see if resvoles issue.


step 1: check terminal service license


please ensure terminal server can contact activated terminal services licensing server has enough ts cals installed.


step 2: check service of terminal service automatic , started


click start, , run "services.msc" without quotes, navigate terminal service item , make sure startup type automatic , status started


step 3: check terminal service listening on port 3389.


run "netstat -na|findstr 3389" on terminal server. interfaces 3389 port listening on? please ensure firewall not block port traffic.


step 4: add users need remote desktop remote desktop users group on terminal server.


step 5: allow logon through terminal services


to connect terminal server properly, users need granted "allow logon through terminal services" right.


  1. logon administrator, click start -> run, type "rsop.msc" in text box, , click ok.
  2. locate [computer configuration\windows settings\security settings\local policies\user rights assignment] item.
  3. check "allow log on through terminal services" item see whether policy defined. if so, "source gpo" column displays policy defines policy. please ensure "administrators", "remote desktop users", , other desired users granted right. if different, please configure corresponding policy grant permission.
  4. check "deny log on through terminal services" item see whether policy defined. if so, "source gpo" column displays policy defines policy. please ensure user or user groups remote user belongs not included in right. if so, please modify corresponding policy remove them.
  5. click start -> run, type "cmd" in text box, , click ok.
  6. run following command refresh policy:


                gpupdate /force


  1. wait while group policy replicated , try connect server again.


step 6: allow logon terminal server


to grant user these permissions, start either active directory users , computers snap-in or local users , groups snap-in, open user’s properties, click terminal services profile tab, , make sure check box "deny user permissions logon terminal server" not selected.


step 7: check ts permission


i understand may have checked setting. reference, please double check setting again:


  1. open terminal services configuration snap-in.
  2. right click rdp-tcp item, , click properties.
  3. in permissions tab, click "advanced".
  4. click "default" button set permission default state.
  5. close rdp-tcp properties dialog.
  6. reopen ensure remote desktop users have "user access" , "guest access" permission, administrators has full control permission, , there no deny entries.
  7. click ok.


wilson jia 

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Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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