NET CONFIG SERVER /Srvcomment:"YourText" and Q128167

i have several hundred servers need change description on. hoping use command it. (i not want change registry because requires servers rebooted)


change comment displayed in computer (detail view)
net config server /srvcomment:"yourtext"
before using /srvcomment option see q128167



so if use command, says disable "autotuning" 

what does auto-tuning do? ramifications of this? tried searching around , didn't find other tcp/ip tuning, don't believe right thing.

to find parameter of server service, please open regedit , navigate following location: 


note, there autotunedparameters key. 

i tried add memory vm , compare lanmanserver registry key, found there no change. think don’t need worry since know stored in registry , can edit them manually if necessary.


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