Windows 2003 Active Directory doesn't work after reboot of all the DCs

hi all,

have active directory based on windows server 2003. 2 dcs vms, running on vmware esx.

recently, had shutdown vms, physically upgrade storage, among other things.

however, when booted 2 dcs, ad isn't working anymore... dcs take long time boot (on "preparing network connections", take around 10 minutes), , can log in administrator account. if try other account, windows gives error, saying domain not available.

machines have network connectivity, can ping , remote desktop them.

after log in, checked services (dns, netlogon, kerberos, server, etc), , running. however, when go dns console, can't reach own server, says can't contact dns server (which machine itself).

late , tired, weren't able think straight, bit clueless what's problem. tried restarting dcs few times, restart services, etc, no luck.

event logs have couple of errors , warnings, related fact either dns down, or domain unavailable, , can't seem find event might point root of problem.

thing strike me odd dns service , running, can't see zones or anything. of course, without that, there won't ad...

so, sum up, shutdown whole domain (including 2 dcs) period of around 4 5 hours, , when booted them again, ad doesn't work. vms on esx enviroment, , have network conectivity , services themselfs running (i.e. no failed services), can't see dns or access active directory.

have pointers on first? heading office try solve clear head, use more heads thinking :)

thank you!



hi wilson,

i'm sorry late reply.

fortunately (and thank gods ehehe), issue "simple": dcs picking incorrect time syncronization, made turn hour, after booting up. noticed on following day (with clear head ;) ) , corrected time sync issue.

after that, rebooted servers, waited bit, , , runing again.

so, 2 lessons this:

 - never troubleshoot after 5 a.m.
 - time sync vital ad health

thank , else replied :) guys best :)



Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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