Refresh a webpage in IE10

hello everyone,

i'm trying write script refresh specific ie webpage login on webpage doesnt logout/timeout. used below script in vbscript , worked fine until upgraded ie10.

set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application")   	set wshshell = createobject("")    	ie.navigate ""   'call webpage  	ie.visible = true   	wscript.sleep 15000    'sleep 15 seconds allow web page enough time load      'criteria selection    while true  	ie.document.getelementsbyname("status")(2).checked = true      	  	dim sel  		sel = ie.document.getelementsbyname("sort")                     sel.options(1).selected = true                ie.document.all.item("go").click()		     	  	wscript.sleep 300000					       loop

so i'm more familiar powershell thought of writing script in powershell. on doing research, found article (, gave suggestions looks more complicated i'm not person use script, there non technical folks using mostly.

so can shed light on how can script written in more simpler approach?

thank you.

the first thing comes mind contacting consultant you.

you can try write own script , ask specific questions when stuck. 


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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