Can I use Group Policy to remove KB 2823324
as may (or not) know, kb 2823324 ms pushed out couple of days ago, causing alot of system keep running chkdsk everytime turned on or rebooted. is possible uninstall patch using group policy? and if can detail steps expect flurry of helpdesk calls on monday. cheers reading on kb specified turns following resources: option 1: manually uninstall security update control panel, open programs, , click view installed updates. security update microsoft windows (kb2823324), , click uninstall uninstall security update. option 2: incorporate command line uninstall in custom script if multiple computers affected, , want run script remotely remove update, can use following command remove security update silently: wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2823324 /quiet /norestart option 3: run removal script remotely using psexec if multiple computers affected, , want run script remotely remove update, can use following command remove security update...