hi there,

my c:\windows\sysmsi\ssee\mssql.2005\mssql\log folder huge. contains 34,000 files , 22gb in size. can delete files? somehow folder got large crashed server. of files seem like: "sqldump0005.txt" or "sqldump5736.txt" etc.

or there command can run safely remove these files?

can help?



so event log showing causing sql terminate, in case said i'd next step have @ latest sqldump txt , log files (can't remember memory gives useful info), , see being reported in there. note there lot of information listed in there, since include information relating current state of server @ time of crash, somewhere in there should find reference kind of error caused problem. either give clear indication of happening can fix it, or @ least error code can search find more information.

re-installing might resolve it, i'd suggest in short term it's better resolve underlying problem if can can ensure doesn't happen again.

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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