Issue/approve pending certificate requests with certutil

is possible somehow approve/issue pending certificate requests on standalone ca command line? certutil seems offer -deny , -revoke commands, not -issue.

thanks ondrej.


definitely yes. use '-resubmit' option. since option is ambigous, property calls icertadmin::resubmitrequest() method:

(here can detailed explanation).

also may interesting in interesting example in powershell:

function issue-pendingrequest {  [cmdletbinding()]    param(      [parameter(mandatory = $true, valuefompipeline = $true)]      [string]$caconfig,      [parameter(mandatory = $true)]      [int]$requestid    )    try {$certadmin = new-object -comobject certificateauthority.admin}    catch {write-warning "unable instantiate icertadmin2 object!"; return}    try {      $status = switch ($certadmin.resubmitrequest($caconfig,$requestid)) {        0 {"the request not completed."}        1 {"the request failed."}        2 {"the request denied."}        3 {"the certificate issued."}        4 {"the certificate issued separately"}        5 {"the request taken under submission."}        6 {"the certificate revoked."}      }    }    catch {$_; return}    write-host "operation status request '$requestid': $status"  }

in order simplify function usage can hardcode ca config string offline cas. have use code this:

issue-pendingrequest 145

where 145 — request id.


Windows Server  >  Security


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