PowerShell HTTP 500 response error body

in powershell, i'm calling soap web service , getting http 500 error @ line


and $_  error object returns:

 the remote server returned error: (500) internal server error.

how full error details that contained in soap fault string? (i see in fiddler).

the errordetails property blank , don't see how soap fault string.

typename: system.management.automation.errorrecord

name                  membertype     definition                                                                                                  
----                  ----------     ----------                                                                                                  
equals                method         bool equals(system.object obj)                                                                              
gethashcode           method         int gethashcode()                                                                                           
getobjectdata         method         void getobjectdata(system.runtime.serialization.serializationinfo info, system.runtime.serialization.strea...
gettype               method         type gettype()                                                                                              
tostring              method         string tostring()                                                                                           
categoryinfo          property       system.management.automation.errorcategoryinfo categoryinfo {get;}                                          
errordetails          property       system.management.automation.errordetails errordetails {get;set;}                                           
exception             property       system.exception exception {get;}                                                                           
fullyqualifiederrorid property       string fullyqualifiederrorid {get;}                                                                         
invocationinfo        property       system.management.automation.invocationinfo invocationinfo {get;}                                           
pipelineiterationinfo property       system.collections.objectmodel.readonlycollection[int] pipelineiterationinfo {get;}                         
scriptstacktrace      property       string scriptstacktrace {get;}                                                                              
targetobject          property       system.object targetobject {get;}                                                                           
psmessagedetails      scriptproperty system.object psmessagedetails {get=& { set-strictmode -version 1; $this.exception.innerexception.psmessag...

i already tried below code in catch block but $ex.reponse returns nothing.

catch[system.net.webexception]  {


if  ($ex-ne$null) {











in powershell catch block, $_ contains errorrecord object, not exception.  try changing $ex=$_  $ex=$_.exception , , rest of code should okay.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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