Storage Spaces implementation Details (Parity) - Server 2012 RTM?
is there details how storage spaces works? created first storage pool on 4 drives
1 - 1 tb drive
2 - 2 tb drives
1 - 1.5 tb drive
so far have created 2tb virtual disk. see each of 4 disk using 684 gb of disk. no matter if delete or add data seem same usage says me storage spaces allocates of space upfront? same thing happen mirroring or happen parity?
i added 1.5tb disk pool , in 2 days haven't seen data being written disk. maybe won't until create new virtual disk?
one thing suprised me storage spaces allocating same amount of space on each disk independent of size. start change or 1tb drive (the smallest one) limit me 4 drives limited 4tb of data
i have 1 virtual disk far. when start see low space warnings? have allocated 2 tb far , have 4.6 tb left allocate. when data starts close space have on drives or when allocate entire space used in pool (assuming storage spaces pre-allocates).
currently there no information windows 2012 related features. here results got tests, hope these helps.
1. parity disk similar raid-5, have 4x684gb disks 3 data disks , 1 parity disk (3x684 closed 2tb).
2. newly added disk not added exists virtual disk, virtual dsk created 4 disks --- if removed 1 disk, newly added disk included virtual disk similar ho raid5 works.
3. if keep creating parity disks, said, limitation 4gb. still create simple disks on disks have larger size/free space.
4. created vitual disk considered hard disk, low space warning per disk not total spae of storage pool.
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