Fixed disk - zero'd blocks for security and performance
brian wrote:
using vhdx no longer recommended used fixed disks. except in specific , rare cases.
the thread refernced covers pretty well.
fixed vhd(x) creation speed 100% dependant upon speed of disks. each block zeroed security.
the quick create vhd utility mention introduces huge securty risk zeroing action avoids.
since vhd , vhdx distinctly different, formats can converted between each other, not interchangeable (you can't change file extension , expect spoof system).
so if case could explain how overall amortization algoritme dynamicly expand vhdx file perform close fixed disk? - recall dynamic growth must 0 block before expanding file, if security should make sence:-> its ridiculous claim fixed sized disk not perform better in operating system dynamic "secure formatted disk"! - me seems due public cloud fetish - ms prefer dynamic disks - regardless of peformance issues type of disks? - *quick* creation option in private cloud? (the 1 r2 fine) - make our sql servers run on optimal disks without spending day on "zeroing blocks" - , let hard algoritme of shrinking disks before uploading vmm public cloud instead, please?:->
Windows Server > Hyper-V
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