ParameterBindingException when pipelining an Outlook.Folder object to custom cmdlet

hello all-

i've written simple c# powershell cmdlet (get-store) returns outlook object model store object. cmdlet i've written reads above store object pipeline , creates email folder (get-folder)

i parameterbindingexception when piping returned store object get-store get-folder.

if create store object manually on ps command line, via new-object, pipe get-folder, works.

it appears errant store object __comobject type, while store object works outlook.storeclass type. know how can make work?

here's transcript of ps session:


ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> import-module .\mapi.dll

ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $app = new-object -com outlook.application

ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $stores = $app.session.stores

ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storeok = $stores[1]

ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storeok.gettype()


ispublic isserial name                                     basetype

-------- -------- ----                                     --------

true     false    storeclass                               system.__comobject



ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storeok | get-folder -path inbox\works -createifnotexist



application            :

class                  : 2

session                :

parent                 : system.__comobject

defaultitemtype        : 0

defaultmessageclass    : ipm.note

description            :

entryid                : 0000000029542a42175b114d983d2c3446907a490100b870629719727b4ba82a6c06a31c2912004c5fb6db8f0000

folders                : system.__comobject

items                  : system.__comobject

name                   : works

storeid                : 0000000038a1bb1005e5101aa1bb08002b2a56c20000454d534d44422e444c4c00000000000000001b55fa20aa6611




unreaditemcount        : 0

userpermissions        : system.__comobject

webviewon              : false

webviewurl             :

webviewallownavigation : true

addressbookname        :

showasoutlookab        : false

folderpath             : \\\inbox\works

inappfoldersyncobject  : false

currentview            : system.__comobject

customviewsonly        : false

views                  : system.__comobject

mapiobject             : system.__comobject

fullfolderpath         : \\\inbox\works

issharepointfolder     : false

showitemcount          : 1

store                  : system.__comobject

propertyaccessor       : system.__comobject

userdefinedproperties  : system.__comobject




ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storenotok = get-store -storename

ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storenotok.gettype()


ispublic isserial name                                     basetype

-------- -------- ----                                     --------

true     false    __comobject                              system.marshalbyrefobject



ps c:\ps\mapi\bin\x64\debug> $storenotok | get-folder -path inbox\doesntwork -createifnotexist

get-folder : input object cannot bound parameters command either because command not

take pipeline input or input , properties not match of parameters take pipeline input.

at line:1 char:15

+ $storenotok | get-folder -path inbox\doesntwork -createifnotexist

+               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (system.__comobject:psobject) [get-folder], parameterbindingexception

    + fullyqualifiederrorid : inputobjectnotbound,mapi.get_outlookfolder

here's code:


namespace mapi


    [cmdlet(verbscommon.get, "store")]

    public class get_store : pscmdlet


        protected override void processrecord()






        public application _getapplication()


            application app = new application();

            return app;



        [parameter(position = 0, valuefrompipeline = false)]


        public string storename


            get { return _storename; }

            set { _storename = value.tolower(); }


        string _storename;


        public store _getstore()


            application app = null;




                if (null == _storename)

                    throw new argumentexception("missing argument 'storename'");


                app = _getapplication();


                foreach (store store in app.session.stores)


                    if (store.displayname.tolower() == _storename)

                        return store;


                    if (null != store)



                return null;




               if (null != app)





    [cmdlet(verbscommon.get, "folder")]

    public class get_outlookfolder : pscmdlet


        [parameter(position = 0, valuefrompipeline = true, valuefrompipelinebypropertyname = false)]


        public store




                return _store;




                _store = value;



        store _store;



        [parameter(position = 0,valuefrompipeline = false)]

        public string path


            get { return _folderpath; }

            set { _folderpath = value; }


        string _folderpath;


        [parameter(position = 1, valuefrompipeline = false)]

        public switchparameter createifnotexist


            get { return _createifnotexist; }

            set { _createifnotexist = value; }


        bool _createifnotexist=false;


        protected override void processrecord()






        private void _createoropenfolder(string path, mapifolder parent, ref mapifolder ret)


            if (null == path || "" == path)


                ret = parent;




            string [] toks = path.split('\\');


            if (null == toks)

                throw new argumentexception("folder path invalid: " + _folderpath);


            string foldername = toks[0];


            mapifolder targetfolder = searchchildfolders(parent, foldername);

            if (null != targetfolder)


                path = path.remove(0, foldername.length);

                path = path.trimstart('\\');

                _createoropenfolder(path, targetfolder, ref ret);




                // start creating

                if (_createifnotexist)


                    foreach (string newfoldername in toks)


                        //if (null != targetfolder)

                           // marshal.releasecomobject(targetfolder);


                        targetfolder = parent.folders.add(newfoldername);


                        parent = targetfolder;


                    // return last 1 on path

                    ret = targetfolder;



                    throw new itemnotfoundexception("folder '" + foldername + "' not on path '" + _folderpath + "' , createifnotexist argument not passed.");



        mapifolder searchchildfolders(mapifolder parent, string name)


            foreach (mapifolder f in parent.folders)

                if ( == name)

                    return f;




            return null;


        // return requested folder.


        public mapifolder _createfolder()


            if (null == _folderpath)

                throw new argumentnullexception("_folderpath");


            if (null == _store)

                throw new argumentnullexception("_store");


            mapifolder ret = null;



                                ref ret);


            return ret;




hi lesthaler,

for error got in powershell, please confirm parameter in cmdlet get-folder accepts kind of pipeline input type, error indicates wrong pipeline type.
more detailed information troubleshoot error, can check article:


if need suggestions of c# script, please go c# forum more effective support:

visual c#

i hope helps.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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